The Acceptsians movement is dedicated to universal self-love and acceptance, of ourselves and others.
And challenging the toxic parts of traditional Asian culture that have led to so many mental health and self-esteem problems (summarized in these satirical comics: “The 5 Asian Love Languages”!)
If you have Tiger Parents, you’ll love my free 14-page guide on responding to their critical remarks! “5 Respectful Retorts to Rainers” (Can click on link, image, or download via the sidebar –>)

We do virtual events, weekly tips, advice, sharing, and videos together. (Let me know if you’re interested in being a guest speaker or sharing your story.)
We also do Monthly 5-Day Personal Growth Challenges: (join our mailing list to have them emailed to you!)
#Joyful January
#Fear-kicking February
#Marvelous March
#Accountability April
#Maybe May
#Judgment June
#Justice July
#Authentic August
#Self-reflection September
#Open-hearted October
#No-Shame November
#Daring Discussions December
…and more!
We also share our stories through creative outlets and help one another through community:
Works in Progress:
1) Collection of Our Stories
2) Sketches/Drawings of Moments in Our Lives
For anyone who wants some extra help, I can work with you 1-on-1.
If you want to get involved, collaborate, or share your story, let me know! Join our Acceptsians Facebook group, or email list below!
And our theme song is below:
Yoyoyoyo we’re Acceptsians, y’all!
We’re all about Love & Acceptance of all!
Of ourselves, of each other,
All our Sisters and Brothers.
Cuz we’re One and we know it.
We love every day, and we show it!
Though we come from different backgrounds,
Some with toxic cultural customs,
We’re Exceptions to them,
Don’t blindly follow the rules, we bust ‘em!
We question if something’s serving us.
Just cuz it’s tradition and old
Doesn’t mean it’s right for us.
We’re authentic and bold!
We embrace all our flaws and our quirks,
However we are, we make ’em work!
Dear One, you are never alone,
We all have common stories and poems!
Sharing ‘em together in this community
Gives us super-immunity!
To life’s up’s and down’s,
Together we’ll turn ’em around!
We’ll support ALL your dreams,
No matter how big or scary,
You can follow your heart!
Your burdens we’ll help carry.
We’re all part of one team,
We’re all unique human beings,
So join us and unlock your Exceptional Acceptsian!
Whether Asian or not, that’s not our intention.
We don’t see color or divides,
Cuz we’re all on the same side!
It’s win-win and abundance out there,
If we nurture self-love and peace within here
Dr. Toni

To book Dr. Toni for a speaking event, fill out the form HERE. Topics include AAPI mental health, intergenerational trauma, DEI, women’s health, reproductive rights, equality, medical training path, career pivots, digital nomadism, burnout recovery, living authentically, relationships. Past Media Appearances.
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