Summary: The story behind my life’s calling to help women and my “Shame-Free Sex Ed” course…it all started in a shady college dorm room with a flashlight and a plastic speculum… (part of my college Brown University’s “FemSex” Female Sexuality Workshop, which CHANGED MY LIFE)!! I always view my life […]
Part of the “Dr. Tooni” women’s health and empowerment project: “Self-Love Shoes: All About the Right Fit.” This random metaphor for romantic relationships just popped into my head one day. It started off as “how I convey that a partner who isn’t a good fit for you may feel good […]
womens health dr tooni
Part of the “Dr. Tooni” women’s health and empowerment project: Love is Love, in honor of Pride Month and the LGBTQIA+ community. I was so fortunate to have spent some of my medical training in special clinics dedicated to the LGBTQIA+ population. I saw firsthand how heart-breaking and challenging their […]
settling down
Summary: My thoughts on romantic love and “settling down” as a woman is expected to by age 30, otherwise she is considered a “Leftover Woman” in some cultures. I’ve always placed a high emphasis on relationships, whether familial, platonic, or romantic. As a people-pleaser for most of my life, I […]
permanent birth control
PERMANENT BIRTH CONTROL What is Permanent Birth Control, or Sterilization? Just wanted to make a quick post on this since it is the only birth control so far that is available for BOTH women and men. (There are so many options available for women, but we are still working on […]
body image beautiful bodies
This is a very vulnerable topic for me, one that I’ve been putting off writing for a while. I’ve struggled with my weight and body image ever since I can remember. I was born an average weight, but was always overweight from then on. I think people fall into only […]
womens health dr tooni
Another piece of the “Dr. Tooni” women’s health project: some different kinds of FOBs – the term used for “Father of the Baby” for a pregnant patient, since you can’t assume their relationship. Some are married, some are coupled, and others are just co-parenting. And now there are surrogates, donors, […]
womens health dr tooni
Another piece of the “Dr. Tooni” women’s health project: what to do if you’re having pregnancy contractions, and not sure if it’s real labor or “false labor”/Braxton-Hicks contractions. The difference between “real” contractions and “fake” contractions is, do they cause the cervix (opening of the uterus/womb) to change/dilate? ONLY true […]
womens health dr tooni
As I’ve done more art recently, I decided to expand my “Dr. Tooni” project to include some comics from my experiences as a women’s health provider. It’s your body, so you get to make the choices, not society!! Do something only if it feels good and right TO YOU. Some […]
vaginal discharge vaginitis
WHAT’S THAT VAGINAL DISCHARGE? What is Vaginal Discharge? What’s normal and what’s not?? Vaginal discharge is fluid that comes out from the vagina. It’s very normal to have discharge — some women have more than others, and the color, amount, and type varies depending on where you are in your […]
Who am I?
Hi! I'm Dr. Toni MD, a carTOONIst. I empower, educate and advocate for mental health, women, LGBT+, neurodivergents & Asian Tiger Parent trauma healing through my art and coaching, while nomading globally. I help others also love themselves UNconditionally, follow their hearts and live true to themselves!
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Ep 32: 2024 Lessons, Highlights & Lowlights - Accept THEN Achieve

A belated review of 2024, from the highest point of a dream community coming true to the lowest point of almost drowning in Bali, and so much in between..More at to process or chat about yours? Book a consultation at
  1. Ep 32: 2024 Lessons, Highlights & Lowlights
  2. Ep 31: Guest Danny Flood on How to Unlimit Your Possibilities
  3. Ep 30: Nomads Coliving & How to Build Community!
  5. Ep 28: Memoir "WHY YOU NO DOCTOR ANYMORE?!: Honoring Your Family AND Yourself Too" Sample Chapter
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