WHAT IS “STEALTHING”? What is “Stealthing”? The term “Stealthing” came about recently, around 2014. Stealthing is the act of taking off or damaging a condom during sex WITHOUT the consent of the partner. Statistics report that 32% of women and 19% of MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) reported […]
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WHAT IS FEMALE ANATOMY? What exactly is the Anatomy of females? What is the Clitoris?   I’m surprised how many myths and misunderstandings there are out there related to simple anatomy (the structure of the body)!   I think most sex education is incomplete. It focuses only on the internal […]
what are stis villains
WHAT ARE SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (STIS OR STDS)? What are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs or STDs)??   Used to be called “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” but now “Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs),” these bad guys are just as they sound. They are spread through close contact, usually during sexual encounters, but not […]
WHAT IS ESTROGEN? What exactly is Estrogen and why is it important?   Estrogen is a natural hormone made by your body, along with Progesterone, Testosterone, and many others.   It does many important things, such as keeping your reproductive organs, skin, hair, and bones healthy. Without it, you could […]
WHAT IS A PAP SMEAR? WHAT IS A PAP SMEAR?   So you just turned 21, and it’s time for the dreaded “Pap Smear” at your doctor’s office.   WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!?!   Good question.   First off, why do we do it? It’s to check for and […]
IS THERE ANY BIRTH CONTROL WITHOUT HORMONES??   There are SO many options for you if you want birth control without hormones!   If you are nervous about how your body will react to added hormones, there are very low dose options such as the low-dose pills, such as Lo-Estrin, […]
WHAT IS EMERGENCY BIRTH CONTROL? (“THE MORNING AFTER PILL”, “PLAN B,” ETC)   Emergency birth control is just as it sounds. It’s used to try to prevent pregnancies in emergencies, like after you’ve had unprotected sex unexpectedly.   There are many cases where this could happen. The condom could have […]
WHAT IS THE MINI-PILL (PROGESTERONE ONLY PILL)? What is the Mini-Pill?   The birth control Mini-Pill is similar to the regular birth control Pill, but the important difference is that the Mini-Pill does NOT have estrogen in it. It is only progesterone, which allows it to be used for a […]
WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL? What is the Birth Control Pill?   The birth control Pill is probably the most well-known birth control, and the first of all the hormonal birth control methods. It is far from the best one, however. It is 99.7% effective when used perfectly, but […]
WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL PATCH?   What is the birth control Patch?   The birth control Patch is a pretty good method. It’s 99.7% effective when used perfectly, but since you have to manage it yourself, there is room for error, so with typical use, it’s only 91% effective. […]
Who am I?
Hi! I'm Dr. Toni MD, a carTOONIst. I empower, educate and advocate for mental health, women, LGBT+, neurodivergents & Asian Tiger Parent trauma healing through my art and coaching, while nomading globally. I help others also love themselves UNconditionally, follow their hearts and live true to themselves!
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Ep 32: 2024 Lessons, Highlights & Lowlights - Accept THEN Achieve

A belated review of 2024, from the highest point of a dream community coming true to the lowest point of almost drowning in Bali, and so much in between..More at to process or chat about yours? Book a consultation at
  1. Ep 32: 2024 Lessons, Highlights & Lowlights
  2. Ep 31: Guest Danny Flood on How to Unlimit Your Possibilities
  3. Ep 30: Nomads Coliving & How to Build Community!
  5. Ep 28: Memoir "WHY YOU NO DOCTOR ANYMORE?!: Honoring Your Family AND Yourself Too" Sample Chapter
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