A library of Dr. Tooni’s custom-made PDFs, guides, resources, and other useful links. Feel free to share!

(More available to Inner Circle Members. Contact Dr. Tooni HERE to inquire about joining.)

For Mental Health:
Acceptsians: Self-Acceptance for Asians & Over-Achievers Community

“How to Meet Your Unmet Needs from Childhood” – PDF guide & deeper dive into the “5 Asian Love Languages” (satirical comic)

“5 Respectful Resorts to Rainers” – PDF guide to handling Tiger Parents, Naysayers, or your Inner Critic

“Fear-kicking February” 5-day monthly challenge PDF

“Accept like a Cat” mini-worksheet

“Body Love Workbook” – 5 days of boosting Body Image

For Women’s Empowerment:
-See all the free handouts such as on STIs, periods, pap smears, birth control + more (may print + give to your patients or loved ones) HERE

For Dating & Relationships:
-5 Dating Mistakes & How to Avoid Them – PDF guide

“How to Meet Your Unmet Needs from Childhood” – PDF guide (learning how to meet your own needs is key to cultivating healthy, secure relationships)

Other Links & Resources:

Feel free to share! Submit questions or requests for future guides HERE.