WHAT IS AN IUD (INTRAUTERINE-DEVICE) FOR BIRTH CONTROL? What is an IUD (Intra-Uterine Device)? The IUD is an AMAZING discovery! This is used not only for birth control, but also to controlling period pain and heavy bleeding! This is my personal favorite method of birth control! I have an IUD myself, and […]
WHAT IS BIRTH CONTROL? What is Birth Control? What are all my options? This is an overview. Please click on the specific birth control option you’re interested in to learn more about it! Birth control is also called “Contraception,” and a “Contraceptive” is anything that prevents pregnancy. For a basic […]
Who am I?
Hi! I'm Dr. Toni, a carTOONIst. I empower, educate and advocate for women and minorities through my art and coaching, while traveling nomadically. I help others also follow our hearts and live true to themselves, no matter what others say!
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Ep 25: Honoring Your Social Battery As An Introvert - Accept THEN Achieve

Whether introvert, extrovert, ambivert or somewhere in between, becoming more conscious of our social batteries and normalizing taking breaks or changing plans can be SO good for our health. Also discussed: masks, being "on," and overly caretaking for others' feelings & comfort. To connect further with Dr. Toni or request future topics: https://DrToni.com/contact
  1. Ep 25: Honoring Your Social Battery As An Introvert
  2. Ep 24: Guest Jen Randall MD on Quitting Medicine to Paint
  3. Ep 23: Using Community to Hack People-Pleasing
  4. Ep 22: Guest Sen Zhan on Finding Ourselves as a Third Culture Human
  5. Ep 21: Guest Chris Cheung on Mindfulness & Relationships
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