Phoenix Wright lawyer turning things around turnabout
One of my favorite games of all time is “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.” It is not an accurate translation from the Japanese origin – “Gyakuten Saiban,” (逆転裁判) which means “Turnaround Trials.” “Gyakuten” means reversal, comeback, turnaround, or change.   The heartwarming story’s hero is a defense attorney who is so […]
Who am I?
Hi! I'm Dr. Toni MD, a carTOONIst. I empower, educate and advocate for mental health, women, LGBT+, neurodivergents & Asian Tiger Parent trauma healing through my art and coaching, while nomading globally. I help others also love themselves UNconditionally, follow their hearts and live true to themselves!
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Ep 30: Nomads Coliving & How to Build Community! - Accept THEN Achieve

Just 1 week into my first Nomads coliving retreat ( and already feeling at home with community I never thought I could have! +tips on how to authentically connect, relate, and have deep & meaningful friendships especially in this day & age :/ You don't need to change yourself; you can always find your tribe <3
  1. Ep 30: Nomads Coliving & How to Build Community!
  3. Ep 28: Memoir "WHY YOU NO DOCTOR ANYMORE?!: Honoring Your Family AND Yourself Too" Sample Chapter
  4. Ep 27: Guest Dr. Rhodes: From High Achievers to Mindful Medics
  5. Ep 26: Sacred Singlehood: How to Enjoy & Embrace it
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