Welcome dear one! How are you doing? Do you feel anxious or burned out?

I was just there myself! Hi, I’m Dr. Toni! (aka Dr. “Tooni”)

As an Ivy League grad physician, I had “had it all.” Yet I felt something was off. I felt empty, unfulfilled, exhausted, constantly anxious. I didn’t realize how much of myself I had sacrificed in order to please and honor my Chinese immigrant family.

I was extremely hard on myself, perfectionistic, full of self-doubt and even hatred. I didn’t know what I wanted and asked others about every decision. Whenever I felt an uncomfortable emotion, I just put my head down, pasted on a smile, and pushed through.

It took a wake-up call of skydiving not caring about the risks to finally admit I wasn’t okay. When I finally dared to look within, I re-found, or perhaps discovered myself for the first time.

I am now living in alignment with my soul, expanded beyond an MD, as a Cartoonist, Sex Educator, Speaker/Advocate, global Nomad, Self-Love + Relationship Coach. I advocate for mental health, social justice, healing complex PTSD, intergenerational trauma, body shame & sexual stigma for anyone who has struggled with belonging or self-worth (neurodivergents such as HSPs, children of immigrants, Asian-Americans, women, LGBTQ2IA+).

Current Projects & Offerings (More in Menu Bar above):

 1) Freelance Anime Art Commissions, Portraits, & Collaborations (& educational children’s books) – HOLIDAY SPECIAL – order your loved ones a custom caricature or realistic piece!

2) “Accept THEN Achieve” Podcast & Acceptsians: Self-Acceptance for Asians & High Achievers Community (AAPI mental health advocacy, complex PTSD & intergenerational trauma healing)

2) Women’s Health Education & Empowerment (including handouts for patients explaining tough medical concepts & “Sacred Sex Ed course)

3) Learn Chinese with MonkMan Comic

5) 1:1 VIP Self-Love & Relationship Coaching (see current Programs offered)

6) Speaking, Advocacy & Media Appearances

Questions? Collab ideas? Want to be a podcast guest? Message me or book a chat!

My mission is to help everyone find a loving home within themselves + a chosen community<3

We are all beautiful, unique beings, but we’re taught it’s bad to be “weird” or different. We are already so lovable and worthy, and yet we’ve been shamed to feel we are not.

So we try to hide who we really are, or make choices based on what other people do/say, or societal “norms” rather than listening to our own hearts.

Until age 30, I had always relied on others for validation and guidance. What did I know? Others are older and wiser so I “should” listen to them.

I was a perfectionistic people-pleaser, a straight A+ student, salutatorian, went to an Ivy League school and became a doctor for my immigrant Chinese family.

I tried so hard be a good daughter and not complain about anything because I grew up in so much better circumstances than my ancestors did.

The fear and pain of disappointing my family who had sacrificed so much for me and had so many hopes riding on me, kept me stuck for a long time.

But I couldn’t keep it up forever. I broke down eventually, having lost so much of myself in the process, and beating myself up in all my shame and guilt. In my best efforts to make others happy, I had completely neglected myself.

So, in 2018, I decided it was finally time to start living TRUE to my heart! And find a way to honor my family AND myself too.

I passed up a stable traditional doctor’s life to take on the world on my own terms.

My soul longed for something more, a way to creatively enhance and inspire lives.

To focus on wellness, not illness, and move us closer to Inclusion, Unity and Acceptance of all.

I am now a global nomad, Telemedicine Physician, Cartoonist, Sex Educator, Speaker/Advocate for Mental Health, and Self-Love + Relationship Coach for others who were lost like me. (See what past clients have to say!)

No matter how long you’ve been stuck or how much pressure or doubt you face, it’s NEVER too late to start being true to yourself!

You only get one life, and you don’t have to spend it sacrificing, in pain, suffering at the expense of yourself and your health. It’s NOT noble to be so unkind to yourself.

There IS a better way. There IS a new path you can forge that honors everybody involved. You really do have the power to create a life you LOVE. You CAN overflow with joy, peace, and purpose every day.

No matter what hardships, obstacles or traumas you’ve faced, how much debt or responsibilities you have, there is always a way to make things better.

I can help you unlock your UNCONDITIONAL JOY & ACCEPTANCE of yourself through my unique style of holistic healing, combining my medical training in both Western and Eastern methods.

Book a free consultation with me HERE. We’ll uncover what is the REAL problem, the root still holding you back from living life the way you most want to, and you’ll leave with immediately actionable steps to improve your situation.

I understand it’s a hard time for everyone, so I offer a free session as a gift. Because I truly believe that even one powerful conversation can make ALL the difference. I’ll also send you customized resources for your unique situation.

Also happy to discuss collaborations, art commissions, speaking events, media appearances, and art project ideas! Message me or book a call HERE.

Toni is what you want in a coach. She has a heartwarming, gentle manner with some occasional lighthearted humor that creates an environment of comfort and safety. Talking with Toni is easy and I feel like I can share my honest thoughts and struggles with her, no matter how embarrassing my habits may be. I know I won’t be judged, but rather will be heard and encouraged to chart a new path and supported as I take steps to do so. She strikes a perfect balance between listening, reflecting, inquiring, and advising. I appreciated that she gives clear, directed advice and suggestions. She helped me see opportunities for change that I never thought of, which was exactly what I was hoping for. I highly recommend her services.

-M.S., New Hampshire
(family doctor)

Toni radiates love and light. Her incredible kindness, inspiration, compassion, and empathy make her an amazing mentor, coach, cheerleader, and confidante to have in your corner. With her guidance and unwavering support, you can unlock your fullest potential! Our sessions together always left me feeling safe, understood, and energized. During our session together, I experienced several “aha moments,” gaining newfound clarity on my next steps. Toni’s honesty, attentiveness, keen observations, and creative problem-solving offer invaluable insights, helping me see beyond challenges and discover endless possibilities. With newfound confidence, I took action and witnessed tangible results in less than a week! I can’t thank Toni enough for all her help!

–T.C., Toronto, Canada
(government employee + aspiring semi-nomadic entrepreneur)

Other Client Testimonials

Contact me HERE!