learn chinese with comics monkman

Learn Chinese with Comics, The Adventures of MonkMan! Summary/Review of Words


Note: If there’s no PinYin (in red) above a Chinese character showing you how to pronounce it, it’s because it’s appeared before in a previous lesson and you should review!!

Lesson 44:

外面 = outside
田 = field
里 = in/inside

Lesson 43:

永远 = always/forever
弟弟 = younger brother
哥哥 = older brother
肯定 = certainly/definitely
容易的 = easily

Lesson 42:

幸福 = happiness (/good life)
高兴 = happy (feeling)
放弃 = to give up
梦想 = dream
世界 = world

Lesson 41:

最 = most (superlative)
最好 = best (most + good)
逃跑 = escape/run away
跑 = to run
从来没有 = never have
没有 = not have
找到 = to find
到 = at/arrive
跟 = with

Lesson 40:

严重 = serious/severe
性交 = sex
婚姻 = marriage
明白 = to understand
错误 = mistake (错 = wrong from Lessons 9-10)

Lesson 39:

所以 = so, thus, hence
发现 = to discover/find

Lesson 38:

高中(学) = high school
高 = high/tall
中学 = middle school
小学 = elementary school
终于 = finally/at last
自己的 = own (as in “my own life”)

生活 = life
大人 = adult (literally “big person”)

(小)孩子 = (small) child

Lesson 37:

知道 = to know (see lesson 5)
完美的 = perfect
完 = end, finish, whole, complete
美 = beautiful, good

Lesson 36:

时候 = time
小时候 = childhood (literally small + time, when I was small)
非常 = extremely/very
家 = house/home/family

Lesson 35:

好的 = okay
先 = before, first, earlier
后 = after, later
一杯 =one cup (of tea)
再 = again
(再喝一杯 = drink another cup of tea)

Lesson 34:

有用 = useful (to have use)
有 = to have
用 = to use
好多了 = to become a lot better
听说 = to hear of

听 = to hear/listen
说 = to say/speak
过 = in the past/before
听说过 = to have heard of before

忘了 = forgot

Lesson 33:

小心 = to be careful
黑心 = ruthless
黑 = black
放心 = to not worry/be reassured
放 = to let go of/release
伤心 = upset/stressed
伤 = injury/wound
Many other words/phrases contain “心”!

Lesson 32:

开心 = happy (literally “open heart”)
开心果 = happy fruit (LOL pistachios were named this because they look like they’re smiling from a top view angle)
以后 = after
以前 = before
问题 = problem(s)
都 = all
厉害 = powerful/amazing

Lesson 31:

回来 = to return/come back
还 = still/also
哭 = to cry(在哭 = crying)
买 = to buy
卖 = to sell

Lesson 30:

入口 = entrance
出口 = exit
店 = shop/store
进 = in/enter
进来 = come in (I don’t have a good explanation for why it’s not “入来” sorry)
出去 = go out
不客气 = you’re welcome (literally means “don’t be a guest!/don’t have the air of a guest”
客人 = guest

Lesson 29:

看 = to see/watch (见 is also to see. These can be combined to say “看见”)
出 = out/exit
入 = in/enter
来 = come
去 = go
我能看出来 = phrase that means “I can see/I can tell/I just know”

坏 = bad
能 = can (from lessons 14 & 11)
人 = human/person/man (from lesson 7)

Lesson 28:

喝 = to drink
一杯 = one cup
那就 ___ 吧 = let’s do ____ then
汽水 = soda
气 = air
不用了 = no need
用 = to use/need
好 = good/okay

Lesson 27:

酒 = alcohol/liquor
啤酒 = beer
葡萄酒 = wine
葡萄 = grape
水 = water
果汁 = (fruit) juice
(水)果 = (water) fruit
(牛)奶 = (cow’s) milk
咖啡 = coffee
茶 = tea

Lesson 26:

(吃)饱了 = eat until full
多 = a lot/more
少 = a little/less
多少 = how much (more or less)
太 = too (see lesson 11)
太多 = too much
给 = to give
买 = to buy
给你<verb> = to <verb> for you/to give you the gift of doing <verb> for you

饮料 = drink (noun)/beverage

Lesson 25:

好吃 = delicious (good eats)
点菜 = to order (at a restaurant)
点 = point, o’clock, little, nod, many meanings, will cover later
做饭 = to cook (make food)
做 = make

Lesson 24:

牛 = cow
猪 = pig
鸭 = duck
羊 = sheep
鸡 = chicken
火鸡 = turkey
肉 = meat (adding on “meat” to an animal turns “cow” into “beef” and “pig” into “pork”, etc)
火 = fire
豆腐 = tofu/bean curd
豆 = bean

Lesson 23:

吃的 = food (technically, “that which you can eat”)
吃 = to eat (from lesson 21)
的 = possessive marker (from lesson 7)
菜 = vegetable
鱼 = fish
肉 = meat
米饭 = rice
吃饭 = to eat a meal (technically, to eat rice)
面 = noodles/flour
汤 = soup

Lesson 22:

这儿 = here
那儿 = there
哪儿 = where
Notice the difference between “there” and “where” is just a “口” (mouth), which usually marks a sound effect
口 = mouth (also seen in lessons 21, 18 and 3)

Lesson 21:

什么 = what
时候 = period of time
社么时候 = when
怎么 = how
吃 = to eat
走 = to go/walk
口 = mouth (also seen in lessons 18 and 3)

Lesson 20:

下 = next/bottom
上 = previous/top
需要 = need (note that “要” (want) is in it)
在 = were/are/state of being or location (similar but different from “是” from (lesson 5))
哪儿 = where
为什么 = why

Lesson 19:

什么 = what
应该 = should
干 = to do
我应该干什么 = what should I do (or technically “I should do what?”)

It can take a bit to get the hang of Chinese grammar and how to piece sentences together, but stick with it!!
And if you make a mistake in the order of words, no one will fault you for trying, and can generally understand what you meant

Lesson 18:

没事 = it’s ok/no problem/no matter (see lesson 11)
后 = after
前 = before
吧 = a command marker (think of it like an “!” or “let’s <verb>”)
走吧 = let’s go
口 = mouth (Note: lesson 3’s “yes or no question marker”/”?” 吗 had a 口 in it too!!)

Lesson 17:

Aww our sweet MonkMan is so innocent!! ^_^;

走 = to go/walk
想 = to think/want, or think of/miss
要 = to want, but in some cases can mean “will” or “have to”
西 = west
南 = south
北 = north
东 = east

Lesson 16:

天 = day or sky
日 = day or sun
星期/周 = week
星星 = star
月= month or moon
年 = year
谢谢 (你)= thank (you)
好心 = kind(-hearted)
心 = heart

Lesson 15:

当然 = of course
傻瓜 = idiot
傻 = stupid/silly
瓜 = melon (don’t know why… haha maybe this is where “melonhead” came from? Or calling the head a melon?)
想 = think/want to do
会 = will/future marker
请 = please
给 = give
天 = day

Lesson 14:

要 = want
能 = can/capable/ability (also from Lesson 11)
但是 = but
中文 = Chinese
中 = middle
文 = language
(中国 = “middle country”/China)

Lesson 13:

真的 = really (literally “of reality”)
年 = year
一, 二, 三, 四, 五 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
六, 七, 八, 九, 十 = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
百 = hundred
千 = thousand
万 = ten-thousand
You combine the characters above to make whatever number you want!

Lesson 12:

什么 = what
好 = good, but can also mean “VERY,” as in this case (depends on context!)
小 = small/young
大 = big/old
要 = want
也 = also
四 = four
岁 = years (when describing age, not time)

Lesson 11:

没事 = no issue/problem/”it doesn’t matter”
没 = no/negator (不 also is negator! they’re used differently; 没 is more for nouns, and 不 is more for verbs/adjectives)
事 = problem/accident/trouble/thing/responsibility*

对不起 = sorry
太 = too
过分 = much/excessive
能 = can/capable/ability
了 = a particle that implies past tense or completion of something

Lesson 10:

不错 = not wrong/incorrect, can also be used as an expression to say “hey, not bad/pretty good”
= right
和 = and
= left

Lesson 9:

爱/愛 = love (Sorry if it adds confusion, but I just thought this was too cool of a fact not to share! I’m teaching Modern (Simplified) Chinese, but the Traditional Chinese characters are the classic, original characters. I thought it was really interesting how they changed the character for “love.” It originally included the word for “heart” but now it includes “friend.” I think both are very, very accurate! :))
友 = friend
心 = heart
对 = right/correct
错 = wrong/incorrect

Lesson 8:

= male/man
女 = female/woman
孩子 = child
子 is versatile, but by itself means young/child/son*
妈妈 = mom
爸爸 = dad

Lesson 7:

和尚 = Buddhist monk
人 = human/person/man
名字 = name
龙 = dragon
的 = a complex particle used behind noun, verb, adjective or phrases to indicate possession (therefore serving as an ” ‘s “), or extent/level*

Lesson 6:

们 = pluralizer
我 = I/me
我们 = we/us
你 = you
你们 = you all
他 = he/him
她 = she/her
它 = it
他/她/它 + 们 = they

Lesson 5:

是 = yes or “to be/is/are”
不 = “no” or a negater
不知道 = don’t know

Lesson 4:

吗 = a particle used at the end of a question, usually a “yes” or “no” question*
你好吗 = how are you?
再见吗 = see you again?

Lesson 3:

马 = horse
吗 = a particle used at the end of a question, usually a “yes” or “no” question*

Lesson 2:

再见 = Bye
再 = again
见 = see

Lesson 1:

你好 = Hello
你 = you
= good

If there’s no PinYin (in red) above a Chinese character showing you how to pronounce it, it’s because it’s appeared before in a previous lesson and you should review!!

The more complex words have a * next to them
The grammar points are bolded

My favorite Chinese-English dictionary: www.nciku.com

Index of All Lessons of
Learn Chinese with Comics, The Adventures of MonkMan!


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Hi! I'm Dr. Toni, a carTOONIst. I empower, educate and advocate for women and minorities through my art and coaching, while traveling nomadically. I help others also follow our hearts and live true to themselves, no matter what others say!
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