WHAT IS THE MINI-PILL (PROGESTERONE ONLY PILL)? What is the Mini-Pill? The birth control Mini-Pill is similar to the regular birth control Pill, but the important difference is that the Mini-Pill does NOT have estrogen in it. It is only progesterone, which allows it to be used for a […]
WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL? What is the Birth Control Pill? The birth control Pill is probably the most well-known birth control, and the first of all the hormonal birth control methods. It is far from the best one, however. It is 99.7% effective when used perfectly, but […]
WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL PATCH? What is the birth control Patch? The birth control Patch is a pretty good method. It’s 99.7% effective when used perfectly, but since you have to manage it yourself, there is room for error, so with typical use, it’s only 91% effective. […]
WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL RING? What is the birth control Ring? The birth control Ring is a pretty good method. It’s 99.7% effective when used perfectly, but since you have to manage it yourself, there is room for error, so with typical use, it’s only 91% effective. It […]
WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL SHOT? What is the birth control Shot? The birth control shot is a pretty good method. It’s 99.7% effective when used perfectly, but since people have to remember to get their next shot on time, there is room for error. So with typical use, […]
WHAT IS THE BIRTH CONTROL IMPLANT/ROD? What is the birth control Implant or Rod? This form of birth control is the MOST EFFECTIVE ONE of them all!! It’s 99.95% effective, more so than tying your tubes with surgery for permanent birth control!! Along with the IUD (Intra-Uterine Device), the Implant is […]
WHAT IS FOLATE? What is Folate/Folic Acid? You’ve probably heard about it. Folate (Folic Acid). Something vaguely about your baby needing it, so it’s in Prenatal Vitamins. I just wanted to make a quick plug about this! This is SO important because by the time most women find […]
WHAT IS AN IUD (INTRAUTERINE-DEVICE) FOR BIRTH CONTROL? What is an IUD (Intra-Uterine Device)? The IUD is an AMAZING discovery! This is used not only for birth control, but also to controlling period pain and heavy bleeding! This is my personal favorite method of birth control! I have an IUD myself, and […]
WHAT IS A PERIOD? What exactly is a Period? The Period is part of the Menstrual Cycle. Every female starts to go through these when her body grows and matures enough to produce certain levels of hormones. The average age of the first period (“Menarche”) is 12.5 years old in […]
WHAT IS BIRTH CONTROL? What is Birth Control? What are all my options? This is an overview. Please click on the specific birth control option you’re interested in to learn more about it! Birth control is also called “Contraception,” and a “Contraceptive” is anything that prevents pregnancy. For a basic […]