COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT PAP SMEARS Do you have questions about pap smears? Q: What’s the point of a pap smear? It’s to prevent cancer of your cervix. A brush picks up a few cells to be looked at under a microscope. If they start to look abnormal, your […]
WHAT IF YOU HAVE AN ABNORMAL PAP SMEAR? What if your pap smear is abnormal? The cells from a pap smear need to be looked at under a microscope, so it will take about a week to result. What happens next depends on the result. Your doctor will […]
WHAT IS HPV?! What is HPV? HPV = Human Papilloma Virus. You know the warts you can get on your hands or feet? Yep, you can get them on your lady parts, both outside and inside. They’re gross, but mostly harmless. Unless you get them on your certain […]
WOMEN’S HEALTH WITH CARTOON ART: PROJECT “DR. TOONI” Click on each women’s health question to see it answered with fun, easy to understand cartoon art! What is the Clitoris? What is a Period? What are STIs/STDs (Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases)? What is a Pap Smear? What if you have an […]