To honor AAPI Heritage & Mental Health month this May, I’ve created the “Tame the Tiger” program. This program was custom made for children of high-pressure backgrounds, such as immigrant families or “Tiger Parents,” to reconnect with self-love & unconditional worthiness.


This is a 90-day course aimed to help those who grew up with Tiger parents, an immigrant family, or other high-pressure environments, to tame their own inner Tiger that was birthed along the way. 

The inner Tiger is our inner critic—harsh, critical, negative, relentless, demanding, perfectionistic, and unforgiving. It may beat you up over your every word, move, or thought.

You’ll know you have an inner Tiger if you’re someone who frequently feels crummy, anxious, depressed, on edge, worried, nervous, hopeless, scared, guilty, ashamed, panicked, overwhelmed, lost, confused, empty, or restless, like you’re doing something wrong or rather, that something about you is wrong. You may struggle with big decisions, careers, relationships, getting too close to or trusting others, or more importantly, struggling to trust yourself

You haven’t ever been modeled what a safe home is, of compassion, forgiveness, gentleness, celebration, radical acceptance, and unconditional love. Especially one that is spacious and supportive of the natural messiness and mistakes of your humanity.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can befriend your inner Tiger, let it motivate and hold you to high standards, but achieve all your dreams while feeling good and empowered, instead of ashamed and self-critical.


Questions or not sure if this would be right for you? Book a consult call HERE.


Are you someone who feels the crushing weight of your high-pressure family’s expectations on your shoulders? Be it marriage, kids, or careers they want you to have… You’re a full-grown adult now and yet, family expectations still hold a heavy weight over you?

Do you work so hard, but sometimes wonder what it’s all for? And not sure when you can finally relax, because there always seems to be more to do? Do you wonder when will all this that you do be enough? Or when you will ever feel enough, and be seen and loved for who you really are without strings attached?

This program is made with love for those who grew up with these crazy expectations, that they then placed onto themselves. You may even feel like a loser or failure for not meeting them, or find yourself being critical or judgy towards others too.


It depends on what you are interested in honing in on. Here are some examples of some skills and results that we can work towards together.


–Generating your own happiness from within, regardless of external circumstances; not every day will be good, but you’ll be able to find something good in every day.

–Feeling at peace, a baseline joy & satisfaction, that everything in your life, exactly as is, is enough, AND you can move towards your goals & desires in a sustainable way, savoring every step of the journey.

Feeling PROUD of who you are and all that you have, instead of focusing on what you don’t have (yet), punishing yourself or waiting until you have them in order to finally be happy.

Dropping guilt & shame for not being the perfect daughter/son, separating out what is your responsibility vs. theirs, & create that balance of honoring them AND yourself too, where you give generously but don’t over-give, people-please or burn out

–Visiting relatives without drama; mean comments from ANYONE don’t affect you anymore because you KNOW they are not true and merely reflect their own negative filters or projections.

–Seeing & deeply KNOWING what a precious, unique, special person you are, in a new way or depth you have not before.

–Feeling safe to speak up in ANY situation & stand up for your needs & values, whether in career, relationships, home life, etc.

–Shaping your life into a way that suits YOU, rather than try to fit yourself in other people’s boxes.

–Honoring your natural energy cycles, working WITH them, rather than against them.

–Problem-solving & making decisions more easily, quickly & efficiently, because your energy isn’t used up beating up or second-guessing yourself.

–Barely thinking about past mistakes, regrets, or future worries, because you’re too busy actually living your most joyful and vibrant life.

–Silencing your Tiger when it flares up, ushering it back into its cage or giving it a friendly snuggle, & moving yourself back to centered compassion.

…and more! (full list of benefits HERE)


LIVE Group Program cohort starts May 28 for AAPI & Mental Health Month (private 1:1 & self-study options also available)

-Weekly lesson via PDF, audio or video
-Weekly 60 minute live group sessions x12 weeks
-Unlimited 1:1 messaging support with reply in 48-72 business hours
-Private community group (Slack or Facebook)
-Portal of resources for in-between session integration (videos, workbooks, activities, readings)

Each live session structure:
-group grounding or bonding exercise
-authentic sharing (celebrations, wins)
-live 1:1 hot-seat coaching or Q&A about the lessons
-closing summary + intention for next week
-new accountability buddy pairing
-a suggested theme / Tiger Parent phrase for exploration & processing
Ex) –“Be a good girl / boy!”
-“Don’t cry!!”
-“Act your age!”
-“Respect your elders!”
-“Why not A+?!”
-“You sure no premed??”
-“No dating!! Why you not married yet?!”

Bonuses: PDF bundle of Dr. Toni’s best resources, All-Access pass to events, 1:1 follow-up integration session, therapeutic art “Success Sketch,” Tiger playlist, custom guided meditation, dance party, + more!

Tuition $888 (or $333/month)
Early Bird Discount until May 15: $666 (or $250/month)
Founder’s Five + lifetime VIP membership (1st 5 signups: BOOK HERE): $555

20% donated to a mental health charity of your choice!

Partial scholarships & extended payment plans available for students & low-income countries. 1:1 support, hybrid & self-paced options ($88+) can be discussed to suit your needs. Book a consult call HERE to discuss.



When will the group session times be?
Likely Wednesday evenings EST, but we will check with students’ schedules to try to accommodate everyone. You do not have to attend every session. Recordings may be available upon group consent.

Is this program only for people who had Tiger Parents?
NO! This program is open to anyone who can relate to having an Inner Critic, which may have been birthed from personality tendencies or interactions with peers, media, or society in general. The lessons that involve healing relationships with parents may be applied to other difficult relationships.

Is there a refund policy?
Yes – if you are not finding the program beneficial, you may submit completed lesson work and receive a refund of the remaining weeks.

How much of a time commitment would this be?
About 1.5-2 hours/week (the lessons are estimated 60-90 min, and checking in your accountability buddy would be about ~30 min). The calls and additional bonus materials are optional. You are welcome to take what resonates and leave the rest.

What IS coaching?
Coaching is a combination of holding a safe, nonjudgmental space, deep listening, and asking powerful questions to help someone arrive at insights and answers that are customized to them. It can be hard to explain; it’s something that is better experienced. If you’ve never worked with me before, I’m happy to gift you a 45-min sample session for an $8 coffee/boba at (book your session HERE).


As a Chinese-American misfit, black sheep, and target for bullies (overweight, nerdy, androgynous-expressing, and a neurodivergent HSP Highly Sensitive Person, ADHD & OCD), with a level A+++ Tiger Mom who STILL calls me a “loser” & “failure” to this day…

I always struggled with a sense of belonging and FINALLY found home within myself, after a 20-year healing journey.

After my rock bottom moment at age 26 while skydiving, I realized medicine wasn’t right for me; I had completely burned out trying to please my immigrant Asian Tiger Parent family.

I had always lived for others, not thinking I was worthy of taking up space or being loved, unless I Achieved enough milestones to finally be “good enough.” I eventually broke down.

In piecing myself back together, I learned how to discover my inner love, unconditional worth, and belonging, and create inner safety & security so I could just be me, knowing that I am ENOUGH. It made ALL the difference for my life, in every single area.

So now I empower, educate, and advocate for the oppressed and different, especially those from shaming upbringings. I help walk them home to see that they do and have ALWAYS belonged.

As an ex-gynecologist now family physician, cartoonist, nomad, sex educator, relationship coach & mental health advocate, I’ve expanded beyond all others’ boxes and carved my own authentic path that feels true to my soul’s fullest expression.

Life isn’t easy, but it has started to feel right and be full of joy and peace. In healing my own inner Tiger, I’ve improved the relationship with my parents and our entire generationally traumatized lineage as well.

I’m now here to spend the rest of my life guiding others back to their truth, through my art, writing, classes, or working directly together.

The truth that we ALL belong here, no matter what we do or don’t do. We have a unique shape & spot that only we can fill in this beautiful Universe. We don’t have to hide, twist, or change ourselves to be loved or “successful.” Your true self is ENOUGH.

I’m so glad we crossed paths in our journey of De-Tigering & returning to our highest selves & greatest love, together.


LIVE Group Program cohort starts May 28 for AAPI & Mental Health Month (private 1:1 & self-study options also available)

-Weekly lesson via PDF, audio or video
-Weekly 60 minute live group sessions x12 weeks
-Unlimited 1:1 messaging support with reply in 48-72 business hours
-Private community group (Slack or Facebook)
-Portal of resources for in-between session integration (videos, workbooks, activities, readings)

Tuition $888 (or $333/month)
Early Bird Discount until May 15: $666 (or $250/month)
Founder’s Five + lifetime VIP membership (1st 5 signups: BOOK HERE): $555

20% donated to a mental health charity of your choice!

Partial scholarships & extended payment plans available for students & low-income countries. 1:1 support, hybrid, & self-paced options ($88+) can be discussed to suit your needs. Book a consult call HERE to discuss.

(Want a preview of this program, or to learn more about my work and missions? Check out my memoir & healing guide: “WHY YOU NO DOCTOR ANYMORE?! Honoring Your Family AND Yourself Too.”

book cover for tame the tiger program


“Toni radiates love and light. Her incredible kindness, inspiration, compassion, and empathy make her an amazing mentor, coach, cheerleader, and confidante to have in your corner. With her guidance and unwavering support, you can unlock your fullest potential! Our sessions together always left me feeling safe, understood, and energized. During our session together, I experienced several “aha moments,” gaining newfound clarity on my next steps. Toni’s honesty, attentiveness, keen observations, and creative problem-solving offer invaluable insights, helping me see beyond challenges and discover endless possibilities. With newfound confidence, I took action and witnessed tangible results in less than a week! I can’t thank Toni enough for all her help!”

–T.C., Toronto, Canada
(government employee to entrepreneur)

As a coach, it’s really clear that Toni cares deeply about her clients. She approaches her work from a place of genuine concern, paying close attention to and holding space for her client’s story. I was really impressed by her attention to detail; her determination in helping brainstorm ideas went above and beyond the level of engagement I’ve seen from other coaches I’ve worked with. Rather than being told what to do, it felt like I had someone on my side who could help me untangle a challenging situation. Her compassion, thoughtfulness, and creativity all shine through.

–K.Y., Taiwan
(engineer & writer)

“I’ve worked with Toni for 2 years now – this woman CHANGES LIVES!! She nomaded in town for only 2 months but left a lasting impact. She was the first person who helped me feel safe to be fully myself, which I had never experienced before in my 50+ years on this earth. Before that, I had always felt too much or not enough and felt so much shame about myself, my body, my desires, almost everything. Toni radiates such a warm, nurturing, tender energy that envelopes you and makes you feel so seen, known, empowered and safe. She is also scientific, grounded, and full of practical wisdom and advice. I can’t recommend her enough.”

-J.L., Colorado
(intuitive energy healer)

More past client testimonials HERE.

Questions? Want to feel out if this is a good fit for you? Or inquire about scholarships? Book a consult call with Dr. Toni HERE.

Or if you’re ready to sign up and claim the Founder’s discount ($555 total + lifetime VIP membership!), BOOK HERE! / + FILL IN YOUR INFO HERE!



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Who am I?
Hi! I'm Dr. Toni, a carTOONIst. I empower, educate and advocate for women and minorities through my art and coaching, while traveling nomadically. I help others also follow our hearts and live true to themselves, no matter what others say!
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