live in the present
  I’m so sorry for my radio silence this month!! A cluster of silly but unfortunate events all came at once (as they often seem to do).    I accidentally left my laptop charger in Berlin, and apparently many countries don’t sell Microsoft Surface Pro chargers. Shipping a new one […]
robbery two ways to react pickpocket
There are always at least two ways to react to any situation. At the end of an otherwise perfect stay in Morocco, we had the unfortunate experience of being robbed and lied to, by none other than our very own AirBnB hosts, M and his wife Z. We had gotten […]
desert sunset sahara
Today I returned from one of the highlights of my Morocco explorations–a visit to the Sahara Desert, where we rode camels for five hours and camped under the stars with a nomadic Berber tribe in the middle of nowhere! It was absolutely amazing. And the perfect prompt to reflect on […]
wealth is all relative 2 child beggars
After spending a bit longer than expected in Spain (hey, it was an AMAZING country!! I could easily spend years there!), I was psyched for the next leg of the adventure–taking a ferry across the Strait of Gilbraltar to Morocco! Boy, was it a fun start. A bit of culture […]
Phoenix Wright lawyer turning things around turnabout
One of my favorite games of all time is “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.” It is not an accurate translation from the Japanese origin – “Gyakuten Saiban,” (逆転裁判) which means “Turnaround Trials.” “Gyakuten” means reversal, comeback, turnaround, or change.   The heartwarming story’s hero is a defense attorney who is so […]
observatory matter of size
I started my journey in California, to visit old friends but also to explore one of my favorite states, where I would consider settling down, if I ever do. I’m pretty sure I have seasonal affective disorder, thus sunshine is extremely important to me. I have fondly been called “solar-powered,” […]
girl in a field losing face
There is an Asian concept of “losing face.” We are a culture of appearances, and it can be deeply embarrassing to have a crack or flaw in the mask we have striven so hard to maintain in society. I feel a bit like Mulan here, setting out to start over […]
Who am I?
Hi! I'm Dr. Toni, a carTOONIst. I empower, educate and advocate for women and minorities through my art and coaching, while traveling nomadically. I help others also follow our hearts and live true to themselves, no matter what others say!
Never Miss a Post!

Ep 25: Honoring Your Social Battery As An Introvert - Accept THEN Achieve

Whether introvert, extrovert, ambivert or somewhere in between, becoming more conscious of our social batteries and normalizing taking breaks or changing plans can be SO good for our health. Also discussed: masks, being "on," and overly caretaking for others' feelings & comfort. To connect further with Dr. Toni or request future topics:
  1. Ep 25: Honoring Your Social Battery As An Introvert
  2. Ep 24: Guest Jen Randall MD on Quitting Medicine to Paint
  3. Ep 23: Using Community to Hack People-Pleasing
  4. Ep 22: Guest Sen Zhan on Finding Ourselves as a Third Culture Human
  5. Ep 21: Guest Chris Cheung on Mindfulness & Relationships
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